Become Famous Members Our Heritage Leave Fan Mail Links In the News Affiliates Famous Stuff Get A Free Website Our Yahoo Club Privacy   Join our mailing list! | May 1, 2001 | Today's famous person is Britney Jo. | "I wanna be famous because I would love it more than anything. To get awards, to have millions of people look up to me, to be up there with all the others, to prove everyone wrong...that i can do it! Sometimes I'll cry at night wishing and praying for a better life to be famous...To be like the others someday too! Because i know that I can do it!"
| Here at IWannaBeFamous!, we feature one ordinary person at a time. Being a famous celebrity is not so bad after all. Sometimes fame and being a celebrity brings big fortune, but other times it brings headaches. Keep in mind that once you're famous you'll need an agent, a photographer, a bodyguard, an accountant, a therapist, a lawyer, and perhaps a good plastic surgeon. Are you up to the challenge of receiving instant fame through the internet? If so, then send us your photo today and tell us why you wanna be famous! | | |