Being famous is not so bad after all. Sometimes fame and brings fortune, but other times it brings headaches. Once you are famous you will need an agent, a photographer, a bodyguard, an accountant, a therapist, a lawyer, and perhaps a good plastic surgeon.

Annalyn Frame is Famous!

Annalyn Frame

I wanna be famous because I’ve worked so hard over the years to get good grades in school. I finally got into my dream college, and I’m studying exactly what I want to do, which is nursing. I believe that if someone like me, Annalyn Frame, from a small town in northern Ohio, can accomplish what I’ve accomplished already, becoming famous will allow me to help so many others. We have had a tough time these last few years, having to be in remote learning and soforth that it’s difficult for all of us.

Being online and learning so much about how the internet works, and connecting with each other, opens up a whole new opportunity to connect with everyone online. And I continue to see so many doing good things and becoming overnight sensations. I haven’t seen to many of those people become famous for the good things that they’re doing–just stupid stuff that goes viral. It’s sites like yours that give us do-gooders hope for becoming famous and actually helping people.

I’m working on my blog and websites that’s has more info about me, and all sorts of info for nursing student that I’ve compiled over the past few years, and will be adding nursing stuff on it regularly:

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