Being famous is not so bad after all. Sometimes fame and brings fortune, but other times it brings headaches. Once you are famous you will need an agent, a photographer, a bodyguard, an accountant, a therapist, a lawyer, and perhaps a good plastic surgeon.

Crystal is Famous!

Being famous has been my dream ever since I was in 5th grade. Our class field trip that year was to go and see a taping of a very popular televsion show.

When we arrived there, I was in total amazement!!! I would see these stars on tv, but to actually see them in person and “ME” sharing the same room with them was incredible!!! Before then, I never understood what famous people were.

As a kid, I just thought these were pretend people who weren’t real and couldn’t really exist because they were inside of the television set. To see these people, to see how a show is taped and to see and hear the reaction of the fans made me realize from that day on, I wanted to be famous. Even though I am 30 years old now, there still isn’t a day that does by that I do not think of signing Hollywood’s time sheet.

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