Being famous is not so bad after all. Sometimes fame and brings fortune, but other times it brings headaches. Once you are famous you will need an agent, a photographer, a bodyguard, an accountant, a therapist, a lawyer, and perhaps a good plastic surgeon.

Sara is Famous!

I wanna be famous because…I live in a town where being mixed races and having beautiful curly hair and skin doesn’t make me popular or pretty. My only goal in life was to perform. I would stutter and hated reading out loud in class but soon as I got on stage, I’m someone different, I could sing and act and dance and my mind didn’t over think things because i was someone tottaly different. Ive been dancing for 5 years and singing and acting since I was little.

I want to perform and make people feel good and chill watching me perform. It makes me happier then anything on this earth, its my passion. Its hard though not having tons of money to throw around on head shots and traveling to auditions. I want to have people looking up to me saying wow i’ve been through the same things shes been through shes easy to relate to.

I think you should put me on your website because maybe this is my chance to shine without having to pay for a agent or anything else. I think im a good role model and actually have talent that my insides are crying out to be seen. It would be a great opportunity. Thanks!

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