Being famous is not so bad after all. Sometimes fame and brings fortune, but other times it brings headaches. Once you are famous you will need an agent, a photographer, a bodyguard, an accountant, a therapist, a lawyer, and perhaps a good plastic surgeon.

Christian Baker is Famous!

I wanna be famous because... I make YouTube videos and content, to entertain people and i just want to make people smile and raise awareness on problems in the world and help them get fixed with me and recognition. I am a really cool guy who is pretty good at ...

Alcantara Claudio Jurandir is Famous!

I wanna be famous because... Because a lot of people keep saying that singing the songs with soul. I sing well. My voice is beautiful. etc. Ok This is true when I'm singing, simply enter headlong into the music. While singing, live music, breathe music, feel the music, diving head at that ...

Walkin Stiff with Nülydedz are Famous!

I wanna be famous because... Nülydedz have a feverish, hot, zombie love for our victims. You can see more of them here:

RealYounginZay is Famous!

I wanna be famous because...I am a 12 year old aspiring to be a rapper. I have had many people tell me that I could become famous, as a rapper. I can sing R&B, I can of course, rap, and I dance very well. I have been dancing ever since ...

Marco Buono is Famous!

I wanna be famous because I need to quit my job in the factory and going to be singer and actor to fullfill my destiny...

Michael Neill is Famous!

I want to be famous because... I want to share my passion and my talent with the world and most of all I want to do what I love doing most which is singing/songwriting and performing. I dream of one day having a huge following for my music and touring ...

Chris J. Adams and Jude’s Tantrum are Famous!

I wanna be famous because... According to everyone else who's listened to us, I'm a uniquely awesome singer and my buddy's a great song writer. We're Yesterday's Future, been together a whole 3 weeks now and getting better everyday... but the video I have is from the first time we ...

Ron Ramos is Famous!

I wanna be famous because its what I have wanted for a very long time. Being an artist, any artist; a singer, dancer, designer, painter, you name it, we all want fame. I've personally worked my butt off to get on an MTV show as an extra, in the back, ...

Austin Lee Tilley is Famous!

I wanna be famous because not to just be noticed and, posted on every magazine and, billboard world wide, which would not bother me I mean after all if you do become famous what do you expect? But more of all I want to be famous because I have the ...

Valencius Felix is Famous!

I wanna be famous seems fun and very interesting being famous sounds like a challenge people in the word like me wants to take, also being famous can create a new goal in my life and be on the right should feature me on your website because i ...

Face Swap with Annalyn
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September 16th 2024
Tags: Girls No Comments

Holly is Famous!

I wanna be famous because, honestly, my humor is top-tier, and I’m tired of explaining it to people who just don’t get me. You know those moments when you drop an absolute gem of a joke, but instead of laughter, you’re met with confused stares and that awkward silence that ...
September 16th 2024
Tags: Guys No Comments

Bryan is Famous!

I wanna be famous because I want my ex to stumble across my face on every magazine cover, every Instagram feed, and every red carpet event. I want them to do a double-take every time they turn on the TV and see me living my best life. Fame would be ...
September 16th 2024
Tags: Girls No Comments

Brianna is Famous!

I wanna be famous because waiting in line for coffee just doesn’t align with my life goals. Think about it—famous people waltz in, skip the line, and get their cappuccinos delivered by a barista who knows their name. Meanwhile, I’m over here awkwardly pretending to look at the pastry case ...
September 16th 2024
Tags: Girls No Comments

Jill is Famous!

I wanna be famous because my cat's Instagram deserves a wider audience. I mean, I’ve been putting in the work—catnip sponsorships, professional photoshoots, even themed outfits! But for some reason, only 12 people like my posts, and half of those are just me on burner accounts. Fame would finally give ...
July 19th 2023
Tags: Guys No Comments

Jim Vanderberg (James Vanderberg) is Famous!

I wanna be famous because, well, because I'm known as "Toronto Jim", Jim Vanderberg from Toronto Canada (also known as James Vanderberg) Everyone in Toronto knows me as Toronto Jim, and I'm a small business owner, just about to become a large business owner.


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